At what age do I de-worm my kitten?
Kittens 6 to 16 weeks of age should be de-wormed every three weeks.
From 4 months onward cats and kittens should be de-wormed every 3 months.
What are the symptoms that my cat or kitten has worms?
- Loss of appetite
- The cat’s coat is in poor condition
- The cat has a pot belly appearance – especially in kittens
- The cat or kitten suffers weight loss
- Stunted growth of a kitten
- Diarrhea (sometimes bloody diarrhea)
- Vomiting or vomiting up a worm.
- Anemia – The cat or kitten has pale gums
- Worm segments around the anal area. Tapeworm segments look like small grains of rice or sesame seeds.
- Continual licking of the anal area
What are the types of intestinal worms that cats become infected with:
More information on Tapeworm in cats
Hookworms are very small worms that have hook like mouth parts that burrow into your cat’s intestinal wall and suck blood. They can cause anemia, black or bloody diarrhea and sometimes death in kittens.
Most often found in humid tropical areas.
Cats can become infected with roundworms by eating infected lizards, mice, birds and bugs. They can also become infected from ingesting soil contaminated by infected faeces.
Other types of worms
- Heartworm
- Ringworm. Ringworm is actually not a worm but a fungus that affects the skin.
More information on Ringworm in Cats
Which de-worming medication should I use for my kitten?
Listed below are some of the available medications.
Revolution for cats
Spot-on application designed to prevent fleas and heartworm, also controls ear mites, hookworms and roundworms.
Treatment of Fleas
Treatment of gastrointestinal worms
Advantage Multi
Treatment of Fleas
Treatment of gastrointestinal worms
Advocate and Advantage Multi are the same product. It is marketed under Advantage Multi in the US, Canada, New Zealand and Central America
Tablet. For cats and kittens 4 weeks of age and older. A single dose effectively removes hookworms, roundworm and tapeworms from cats. Also available as a spot-on
Felex Plus Allwormer Paste
A paste for the control of gastrointestinal worms in kittens and cats including roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm
Ask your vet for the best worm medication for your cat or kitten. De-Worming medications come in several forms such as tablets, paste and spot-ons. You can usually buy worming medication over the counter at your vets without the cost of a consultation fee. Microscopic examination of your cat’s stool may be necessary.