Cats are very playful animals. Kittens spend most of their waking hours playing and an adult cat of any age will still enjoy a silly moment or two and will enjoy playing with cat toys.
Cats Play
Kittens practice their predatory skills during play. Cats are by nature are hunters and kittens are learning skills they would need in the wild for survival. The play they engage in usually consists of stalking, pouncing, ambushing, tossing, biting and wrestling.
You must be careful playing with young kittens as they can become a little aggressive and act like little tigers sometimes scratching and biting you. Teach kittens not to scratch and bite you when they play
Toys you can make for your cat
You don’t have to spend a lot of money on toys, you can make your own. Cats will get as much pleasure from homemade toys as they do from shop toys. Listed below are some ideas.
- Cardboard boxes are irresistible to cats. Close the box and cut out a
door just large enough for your cat to get in, add a small window for more fun.
- Pine Cones are great fun. Attach a piece or string or yarn to the cone
for even more enjoyment. Usually the simplest ideas are the best.
- Silver Foil Ball.
Make a ball out of aluminium foil. For even more fun work a pipe cleaner into the ball. (A mouse tail)
- Make spiders from the ties that come from bread wrappers.
You can also use pipe cleaners to make an awesome spider.
- Newspaper.
Just open up a few sheets of newspaper on the floor and watch your cat have hours of fun diving under it.
- Fold a small piece of newspaper
and tie it to the end of a piece of string or yarn. Whiz it around the room. Your cat will go crazy chasing it.
Toys don’t have to be expensive.
This cat has found himself a fun bean to play with.
You can make a ‘Fishing Rod’ toy. Attach a small plush toy to a piece of string then tie the string to a stick. Dangle in front of your cat.
Cats and kittens can play for hours with a ping pong ball
Pipe cleaners can be fun Feathers are always popular
Save your wine corks. Kittens can have hours of fun with them
Toys you can buy for your cat
These cats are enjoying a DVD made especially for cats. DVDs from Only Natural Pet Store
The inventors of this toy have taken the fascination cats have with bugs and other flying creatures and created an innovative toy so real that cats will be enticed for hours!
Fan-powered air circulates within shatter-proof bug jar, making the mylar bugs come alive.
Specially weighted and designed on a rocking base, allowing kitty to swat and play without tipping the jar over
This unique cat toy bounces, rolls, wobbles and hops when your cat pounces, bats, and slaps it. Scratch it and it releases the fragrance of fresh catnip with every scratch. Its tail, whiskers & ears stick out for added fun and intrigue.
Mouse goes round
This looks like fun
Cat Tunnels are fun
Cats love them